Court Cards

Court Card Meditation for Poise, Resiliency and Self-Love

The Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings in our tarot decks represent 16 aspects of our personality. Known as the court cards, we all contain different levels of the character traits found in each archetype. By introducing yourself to these members of the court, you will reflect and understand those parts of yourself that you may wish to strengthen or diminish. As each of us focuses on fine tuning our individuality we are capable of becoming personally more resilient and collectively more purposeful in our responsibility toward our environment and other people. 

During this guided meditation we will familiarize ourselves with qualities of our behaviors that we choose to uphold. When our energy field resonates with thoughtful notions, we naturally are able to perceive when we are out of balance.

I look forward to introducing you to these members of your own cast of roles so you can consciously choose your best self in every situation you find yourself. In this guided meditation, we will imagine a gathering where we sit around a fire and meet your student self, your assertive self, your passionate self, your quiet self, and all your selves in between. Hopefully, we might just learn to love them all! Each and every aspect of you certainly has a purpose.

Bring your open heart and curious mind. Namaste