Energy Protection Techniques

Looking Ahead
Find Your Inspiration

As we move into the Fall of 2024, our 8 year in Numerology, Jenny Gallagher will review the powerful Astro-Numerological energies supporting our opportunities to succeed with our goals.  And with lots of Capricorn influences, who’s ruling planet is Saturn, Father Time is reminding us the clock is ticking. There is a beautiful astrological lineup coming, so lets make the most of it! 
In addition to Jenny’s cosmic insights, Maribeth will share inspiration from the tarot to guide your best self while navigating these fabulous cosmos.
Join us on zoom on Monday, August 19 at 6:30. $44 ~ Contact [email protected] to register. 

Strengthening Energetic Boundaries

Do you feel tired or drained, find yourself overeating, shutting down or feeling upset without knowing why?  You very well may be a ‘HSP’ (Highly Sensitive Person) and your energy system may need a boost.

The good news is you are great at understanding and helping those you love through difficult times. The bad news is you are picking up other people’s issues whether you want to or not – unless you learn how to control it. This class can help you tune in to your unique aura and establish good boundaries and patterns of behavior.

This can empower you to manifest your dreams and uphold your priorities while remaining compassionate to others. 

Bach Flower Remedies

“The action of these remedies is to raise our vibrations and open up our channels for the reception of tour Spiritual Self; to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need, and wash out for us any fault which is causing harm. They cure, not by attacking the disease but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature.”  Dr. Edward Bach

Personalized Elixir
Together we will create a personal and safe homeopathic tincture to reduce your anxiety, stress and emotional suffering. These flower essences are safe, non-toxic and do not interact with other forms of treatment. You will spend some time thinking about thoughts and behaviors that you would like to release, and we will make a personalized remedy to formalize your intention and reassure your success in letting things go that no longer serve you.