Tarot with Maribeth McNair

Welcome to TarotCare, home to Maribeth McNair

Affectionately known as “The Happy Medium”, Maribeth has been reading Tarot cards since 1997. She is a gifted intuitive and provides psychic advice for empowerment of your best self. If your goal is to be able to help yourself ~ Maribeth is here to help you do that. 

Learn the symbolism of tarot cards, empower yourself with Reiki or a Bach flower remedy or receive a tarot card reading to validate and reinforce your path. Maribeth will help you make the decisions that need to be made around how you can be most successful.

Telephone, zoom and in-person readings and reiki are available by appointment. Or host a party and invite your friends! 



Throughout these classes, you will experience your own personal growth and ascension in addition to learning to help others.


Maribeth is available for personal consultations over the phone, via zoom or in person in Newport, Rhode Island and Vero Beach, Florida. Session recordings are included. 


Sometimes referred to as “laying of hands”, Reiki promotes inner peace and helps gain insights into how to cure emotional and physical imbalances. 

Private Parties

Maribeth is available for daytime or evening parties. Simple or formal, having Maribeth read tarot will certainly make your celebration memorable.

“A Tarot reading will open the part of your mind that can best hear your heart.”

A tarot reading by Maribeth will reveal the answers to your life’s questions. Maribeth offers a personal reading to reveal the purpose of your conscious and unconscious thoughts. She acts as a messenger to help you get in touch with your divine self and will deliver that message in a kind and understanding way. Maribeth will connect with your higher spirit guides to help you understand your path.

Looking To Book An Appointment?


We have attended many Tarot sessions with Maribeth, and it is impossible to expound too greatly upon the repeated accuracies of both her readings as well as her beautiful and touching communications with nonphysical friends.

Maribeth is a master of insightfulness and comfort, seemingly magnetic for spirit world contact. She offers vivid depictions of these communications with gentleness and educated articulation, skillfully sifting through what must only be an enormous compilation of knowing from a greater source.

Maribeth's approach to her work cannot be equated with anything less than professionalism, divulging barebones truisms with descretion and heartfelt care.

We offer this writing in hopes that it may encourage others to grasp the opportunity for spiritual rewards that may be imparted through the inspirations of one so gifted as Maribeth.

Lovingly submitted, Emma and Samuel Strong

Dear Maribeth,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the blessings I receive when I consult with you. You always call back promptly for a quick check-in or a more elaborate consultation.
I call you when I have questions that my ego prevents me from hearing. You always come through with a clear and encouraging reading. Sometimes you use the Tarot. Other times you allow your kind heart to speak. It works. I am clear. I move forward.

Over time you have become a trusted advisor who in fact, accompanies me on the path of spiritual growth and delivers from Spirit what I need to hear, work and ponder. I thank you very much for being there for me.


The tarot classes were so much more than I anticipated -- not just interesting and fun, but a real growth experience. Maribeth creates a comfortable environment where transformation can occur. She knows her stuff and how to share it in a way that makes the Tarot come to life.


I feel like you just gave me a map. I thought I was on the right road and you highlighted the way. Thank you so much!


Maribeth is a sincere and sensitive person who shares her unique gifts with others to help us find the clarity we often need to answer our own questions. I like to schedule my Reiki Treatment immediately after a Tarot Card reading, and experience the most positive effects from each in the days and weeks which follow. I find myself better able to process the information revealed during my reading with the clear mind and re-energized body I'm left with following a Reiki treatment.
Thank you, Thank you, Maribeth!

Lynne R.

Warwick, RI

I had such a great time at my friend Diane's house party last week. It's always fun to get together with the girls, having you there doing individual readings made it truly special! I want to thank you for my reading. The reading was amazing, you picked up on so much of who I am and my current situation, without me telling you about myself. You made me feel so comfortable, I found the experience to be very cathartic. I walked away feeling inspired and hopeful! I have and will continue to recommend you to friends and family. I'll be in touch soon, to plan my own home party.


Providence, RI

"Maribeth was so in tune with what was going on in my life and those people involved in my life when she read my cards. My reading was incredible. I came out of it feeling reassured of what I already felt/knew inside my heart, and also with lots insight as to where I was heading. The whole experience was more than incredible for me.

Maribeth is such an honest open person that makes you feel welcome from the very beginning. She has a talent with the cards that a lot of people don't always have. And what's more.... her heart is in what she does. If you're thinking of getting your cards read, give her a call. You won't be disappointed."


"Maribeth has a genuine gift. Her insight is always right on target for me. Using her Tarot cards, Maribeth nearly "reads" my mind, always validating my thoughts and my own intuitive feelings. Through her reading, she has taught me to be patient and allow life to unfold as it should, and not to be afraid or anxious. I believe that all things happen for a reason. We don't always know the reasons, but Maribeth helps me to find answers to those questions, and to find peace when I don't have the answers."


Newport, RI

"You are the best therapist ever! Why do people bother paying such expensive fees for therapy when they can come see you?"


"I thought this was going to be a Hocus Pocus party game, but here you are telling me real shit!"


"Freakily accurate!"


The Dorrance during Chifferobe party

"Maribeth performed reiki on me when I was in particular pain. I was always very healthy, and never bothered by back or other bodily pains. Then, one morning, I woke up, and could not move my right arm at all without massive pain shooting up into my shoulder and down the length of my arm. The pain was so bad that it made me nauseous, and I know that my face was white as a sheet from the pain. I was perplexed, and had no idea how it had happened. Since I am right-handed, I could not do much of anything including even standing up to move because it would jar my painful arm. Pills and rest did not relieve my pain.

Then, Maribeth came by for a visit the next day. She saw how much pain I was in, and offered to reiki me. I was skeptical, but willing to try anything to relieve my pain.

When she had finished the reiki, I was in a very small amount of pain, and it was much more manageable. I could move my arm without the pain tentacles reaching up and down it. I was happily shocked and amazed.

I would totally recommend Maribeth's reiki to anyone suffering from pain or in place of massage. She is very gentle, and the reiki soothed me as well."


Barrington, RI

Maribeth's Tarot class has been everything I thought it would be an more. Maribeth is a master Tarot reader and teacher. I knew this would be the case, but the really special part of the class has been the close-knit community that has grown over time. This is attributable certainly to Maribeth's skills, but perhaps more importantly, it's her love of what she is doing and everyone in the class that makes for such a rich learning experience. She creates space for very special connection with other beautiful souls on a similar journey of light and exploration.


Thank you Maribeth,

As always, you provided me with the guidance and answers that I was seeking
to help me find my way.

Over these past few years, you have always been such a help and guide with
this karmic struggle of mine and each time, I have felt stronger and more
capable to be able to handle it in a more knowledgeable way.

This time, I feel the most prepared in being able to step forward, knowing
that my future is waiting for me to break free and that I already have the
answers laid out before me. It was my meeting with you that offered the
final confirmation and as always, you were there to provide the last piece
of the puzzle. You are such a gift, to me, and to so many others. I feel
blessed to have met you and to know that you are in my life.

Thank you so much for your many talents and generosity.

Here's to the one legged goose who lives by the pond!


You are the Tesla of humans. Anticipating peoples needs and making life a little easier.


West Palm Beach