Understanding Tarot Symbolism

This course will be split into two parts covering the minor and major arcana, using the Universal Waite-Smith (aka Rider-Waite) deck. The goal is for you to understand the contributing actors that create the general vibration of each card so you can interpret tarot cards with accuracy. The factors that we will discuss include colors, numerological influences, symbolism, astrological influences and religious connotations. You will grow with this knowledge in wonderful ways you will never forget.

All classes are held via Zoom on Monday nights from 6:30-8:30 EST and recordings are available. Each class is $23. The Minor Arcana begins September 12, 2022 and runs for 8 weeks until November 7. The Major Arcana will begin in January, 2023.

E-mail [email protected] to sign up, talk to previous students or ask any questions. Thank you!


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